Kitchen Sink Gurgles When Water Drains - Kitchen Sink Drain Gurgles When Washing Machine Drains ...
Kitchen Sink Gurgles When Water Drains - Kitchen Sink Drain Gurgles When Washing Machine Drains ... . It's very important that you know that gurgling drains can be a strong indicator of a larger plumbing problem, which is why you should investigate your plumbing system and. Gurgling drains should not be a present if you have a normal and fully functioning plumbing system. But, if your kitchen sink gurgles when the machine drains, or worse, your sink fills up with water, that is a problem. If your kitchen sink has been gurgling when the shower drains for as long as you can remember, there's a good chance that the plumbing vents are undersized or it takes water flow through the pipes to create the vacuum, so you typically hear gurgling only when water is draining from somewhere. Water drains out very slowly from the sink and then gurgles as the last drops go down the drain.